1. To create interest in the game and individual facets of it.
  2. To assist media in their coverage of curling.
  3. To make curling and any particular event more attractive to sponsors.
  4. To provide statistical information to participants, fans, and their associations
  5. To provide additional information for coaches.


  1. The system of scoring be relatively straightforward so it can be learned easily.
  2. The system be applied by the scorer generously and not too rigidly, so the curlers are given the benefit of the doubt in all situations.
  3. A shot be evaluated according to what was called. What the desired result requested by the skip was and how well the player executed the called shot? The scorer must not consider the strategy being employed by a team in a particular situation, or whether there might have been a better call in his or her opinion. The team calls the shot it wishes to play and the scorer rates how well it was played.
  4. The result of a shot be evaluated without reference to the reason it might not have been executed successfully. Consideration must not be given to the scorer's opinion of why a shot was missed. Whether the skip gave bad ice, or the sweepers made a mistake is not to enter evaluation of the shot; It is strictly and simply the outcome measured against the call that is to be scored.


The method is a four point system. For a shot executed correctly the curler is given the maximum four points. A complete miss is given zero points. Partially successful shots are scored between zero and four, thus, in a completed ten end game, the maximum score for a player is 80 points (4 x 2 x 10). Where a game is conceded before all rocks have been thrown, a player's possible maximum may be less. Similarly, when an extra end beyond 10 is played, a player's possible maximum may be greater than 80.
There are two exceptions to the above basic description of the scoring method:
  1. A rock deliberately thrown through the house is not counted as a delivered stone. This is similar to a walk in baseball, not counted as a time at bat in calculating batting average. The score sheet is marked with an "X" for that shot, and the players possible maximum is reduced by four.

  2. A player may be awarded bonus points for making a particularly difficult shot at a critical point in the game. The maximum bonus is two points. A player can be given five or six points on that particular shot. The player's possible maximum is not increased when bonus points are awarded. Effectively, the player is given five or six out of four. Bonus points are given rarely, only in exceptional circumstances. This is likely to occur at the most only once or twice a game. The awarding of bonus points recognizes execution of a particularly superb shot under pressure conditions which dramatically affects the outcome of the game. They are more likely to be given skips and thirds who usually have more precise shots to execute. Note, however, that at the opposite end of the scale, a player is not given less than zero for a particularly bad shot.


One scorer is required per game to score both teams in that game. This requires total unbroken concentration on the one game for which that scorer is keeping statistics, and the person should be at the site at least 15 minutes before game time for preparation. It is imperative that the scorers be mature individuals still actively involved in competitive curling and persons known to be careful, responsible, attentive individuals thoroughly familiar with present-day strategy. In some situations, a skip will not telegraph his intentions and the scorer must know intuitively, from experience, what is desired. At a provincial or national championship, scorers are required for each sheet of ice at every draw. For example, in an event with five sheets of ice, this could be as few as five persons (with two or three alternates in case of an emergency). Each scorer would be assigned the same sheet of ice for the total duration of the event. This provides consistency in scoring, and, as far as is possible, has each team rated by the same scorer the same number of times. Alternately, two or three complete sets of scorers alternating according to a schedule drawn up by the chief scorekeeper (along with several alternates) may be required if all scorers cannot be available for all rounds of a competition.
  1. On the scoresheet provided fill in the top portion with the required information such as draw number, sheet number, scorer's name, etc. Indicate the toss winner (defined as the team with last rock in the first end) The Canadian Curling Association microcomputer statistics system has one score sheet per end. On this sheet, be sure to also include the end number. Enter the names of the teams as they appear on the scoreboard. On the manual system scoresheet, enter the names of the players in the order in which they deliver their pairs of rocks; i.e. the player throwing the last two rocks of the end is listed in the "skip" position on the score sheet whether he/she is calling the game in the house. This enables accurate comparison of shot making percentages position to position. The microcomputer system uses player numbers assigned to each player when they register for the event. The default player configuration of 1-2-3-4 should be changed by the scorer if a team has made personnel changes due to injury or for another reason has decided to rearrange its players.Consult the microcomputer stats user's guide for more details.
  2. For each shot indicate on the score sheet in the first column (marked "H" for handle on the computer system scoresheet) whether the shot is an inturn or an outturn. Make careful note of left-handed players; the rotation of the rock is opposite from that of right-handed players. For example, an inturn is defined as a rock in which the back of the handle is turned in toward the body during delivery. This applies to all players and results in a rock of opposite rotation for right-handed and left-handed players.

3. Mark the type of shot in the second column (marked "T" for type of shot on the computer system scoresheet):
  1. Hits:
  2. Draws:
  • Evaluate what was achieved against what was called. This is normally a number between zero and four but may be five or six in a bonus situation. On the computer system scoresheet, place this number under the column marked "A" for actual points awarded. On the manual system scoresheet, place this number under the column marked "H" if the shot was a hit and under the column marked "D" if the shot was a draw.

  • For shots intentionally thrown through, code handle as "X", type of shot as "X" and the number of points as "0"; i.e.score shot as "X X 0". Rocks not thrown because an end is incomplete are also scored "X X 0".
    At the completion of each end on the manual system Scoresheet, tabulate for each team in the spaces provided the total points given and maximum points possible. The maximum number of points per end is normally 32. Reduce this by four for each rock coded "X X 0".
    At the completion of each end on the computer system scoresheet, record the end score (e.g. RED 3 YELLOW 0) and the time remaining on the game time clocks and pass the sheet to the runner who will take it to the computer data entry personnel for entry into the computer. For televised games, it is important that the data be entered into the computer as quickly as possible after the completion of each end.


    At the conclusion of the game, for each player, compute the total points awarded and the total possible for all hits in the game. Express this as a fraction in the space provided and below this fraction place the resulting percentage. Repeat this exercise for all draws for each player. Obtain overall totals for each player by adding the totals for hits and for draws. Express this as a fraction in the space provided and below this fraction place the resulting percentage.

    For each team, the team's percentage on hits is obtained by adding the points (actual and possible) for each player. Express this as a fraction in the space provided and below this fraction place the resulting percentage. Repeat this exercise to obtain each team's percentage on draws. Finally, an overall percentage for each team is obtained by adding the totals for hits to the totals for draws.

    Express this overall total as a fraction and, in the space below, place the resulting percentage.

    The overall total fractions for each team are double-checked by adding the team combined score (vertically) for each end.

    The chief statistician is to prepare two summary sheets for each draw (handwritten if neat and legible, or typewritten)

    1. linescore sheet, containing the linescores for all games in that draw and the standings before and after that draw.
    2. A summary sheet of player and team shotmaking percentages for that draw.

    Thus, a compiled set of statistics for each draw includes the individual game scoresheets for that draw, as well as the two summary sheets detailed above.

    As the competition progresses, it may be desirable to prepare additional summary reports to be included with the set of statistics for each draw. They include:

    1. POSITIONAL CUMULATIVE PERCENTAGES. This report horizontally groups players by position. Across the page vertically is shown each player's percentage in each draw (one column per draw) and an overall percentage for each player. This report can be extended to include team percentages in each draw and an overall percentage for each team.
    2. TEAM CUMULATIVE PERCENTAGES. This report shows for each player on each team the following cumulative percentages: inturn draws, outturn draws, all draws, inturn hits, outturn hits, all hits, all inturns, all outturns, overall total. This report may also be extended to include team percentages. The manual preparation of the above reports is very time consuming and is best handled by the microcomputer stats computer system. Samples of these and other reports can be seen in the computer stats users guide.
    3. Accuracy of the statistics is very important; all calculations should be double-checked! Note also that in preparing cumulative results for a team or a player, in each case it is necessary to derive a new total fraction of total points awarded over maximum points possible; it is inaccurate to simply total percentages and divide by their number to give an average.


      With the Canadian Curling Association microcomputer system, it is easy to produce the reports referred to in the manual system, and also more complex reports. The computer stats user's guide has sample reports and suggested guidelines for their use.